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Linux/WL1835MOD: How to use BluetoptiaPM SPP demo to communicate with a Android bluetooth device?

Part Number: WL1835MOD

Tool/software: Linux

Hi all:

We are facing a problem when try to use the LinuxSPPM demo to connect to a Android bluetooth device :  the Android bluetooth device act as a spp server, and  have a UUID  info (128bits) to connect to, but the 

LinuxSPPM demo only have "RegisterServerPort" interface to connect a spp server which need  "bluetooth address" and "server port" as input param. the problem is we DO NOT know how get peer "server port", but only knows the UUID info,and can not connect to the spp server peer.

I am not familiar with the bluetooth protocol stack , and hope you can give me some suggestion or solution . Thanks a lot!!

  • Humm.. Did, you look at the below wiki page? The first part describes 'Client' mode operation.. You can use, 'OpenRemotePort' to open a SPP port on remote server..

  • sorry for delayed response,maybe I didn't describe my problem clearly

    if we use two wl18xx device act as a server and a client and driver them with the BluetoptiaPM ,they work well. but if the one of the peer is a Android

    device, we encounter problems in below two scenarios

    scenario 1:wl18xx  act as a spp client ,Android device act as a spp server

                a. android device will create a spp server with a  128 bits “UUID” string, and listen to any client to connect with the same "UUID"

                b. wl18xx device can only connect to a spp server with interface "OpenRemotePort [BD_ADDR] [Server Port]", we do not konw the spp Server Port

                    but only the "UUID" info.(here is the real  problem confuse us at first)

                c.finally we use the interface " QueryRemoteDeviceServices [BD_ADDR] [Force Update] [Bytes to Query (specified if Force is 0)]" which will find all blutooth services in the Android device ,including the  "Server Port" info of spp service. and then we solve our problem.

    scenario 2: wl18xx act as a spp server, Android device act as a spp server

                The Android device can only connect a spp server with a "UUID" info, and this "UUID" is assigned by our customer, that means our wl18xx

                 device has to create a spp server with the "UUID" assigned by our customer. here is our new problem: the BluetoptiaPM can only create a

                 spp server using the default spp service "UUID",but no way to set a new "UUID" to the spp service...

                 do you have any suggestion ?