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WL1837MOD: Industry Canada: Permit to use Results Letter

Part Number: WL1837MOD


As part of the Industry Canada certification process I need a letter that says that we are permitted to use the RF test results from the radio module manufacturer (on the OEM companies headed paper).

Where would I be able to obtain this?



  • Did, you check with marketing? Anyways, i am also looping our RF HW expert..

  • Hi Andrew,

    Can you please explain what you are trying to do? Are you filing a C1PC or a C2PC? Did you need to repeat some testing due to a difference in the layout or antenna, for example?

    We have a fixed process for this. Normally if it is a C1PC you are re-using the TI ID and there is nothing we need to provide. However if you are going to need to a C2PC then we have a form you need to fill out and this will start the process for such a change.

    Note that we do not allow changes to our ISED ID. In this case you will get a letter stating that you can used our data and copy it to your own ID, then you can perform any delay required. Attached is the form that needs to be filled out an sent via e-mial.




  • Hi Riz,

    I'm working on getting a product certified by Industry Canada/ISED using the WL1837MOD. As part of the process I need a letter giving us permission to use the test results for the module that we're integrating into the product, I already have the test results/certificates etc. We've not made any modifications to the certified module design.

    What I need is a letter with Texas Instruments headed paper that says we have permission to use the test results. Do I need to fill in the above application form to obtain this?

  • Hi Andrew,

    We have modular certification on our module, so if you are simply filing and doing no changes (meet our design rules), then there is nothing needed form TI. This is called a C1PC and you can file with out any letter from TI. The test house you use should be aware of this.

    On the other hand, if you are doing some delta testing then you can fill out the above. What this does is give you permission to use our data under your own ID. I would check with your test house on what case you are applying for. C1PC -> No letter needed. C2PC -> letter needed from TI, then you fill the form above.

  • Hi Riz,

    Thanks for the information.

    The product we're trying to certify integrates the module with no hardware change (ie meets your design rules) and will be certified under our own IC/ISED id number.

    The product is a portable and body worn, therefore we've had to undertake additional SAR testing.

    I think this test of RF exposure would make it a C4PC product as defined below:

    In the context of Section 7.1, the following changes under C4PC are permitted:

    • a certified module(s) (LMA or MA) that is integrated into a new host product, which results in changes to the original reported RF emissions characteristics and/or RF exposure evaluation
    • a certified module(s) (LMA or MA) that is integrated into a new host product where a new RF exposure information/evaluation (as per RSS‑102) and/or RF emissions information needs to be updated with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada

    Note: Class IV modifications (permitted with or without firmware modification) require notification to Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada and the HMN must be provided.

    If this is the case, do we still need to fill in the form? If this is not the case I would assume its a C1PC.



  • Hi Andrew,

    My apologies for the delay. Yes you will need to fill out the form as we are only certified for 20cm distance. Thus you will need SAR testing and the form needs to be filled out.
