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'Yikai Chen' celebration week - THANK YOU YIKAI from all e2e community members!!!!

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2538, CC2650, MSP430G2553, MSP430FR6989, MSP-EXP430FR6989

Today Sunday, August 23, 2015, kicks off a very special week: it's... YiKai Chen Week! 

YiKai Chen is a non-Texas Instruments employee who has helped thousands of engineers over the years on this wireless connectivity forum with close to 11,000 posts! Additionally, he is the reigning Wireless Connectivity Community Member of the Year (two years running), Overall E2E Community Member of Month (every month in 2015) and ranks second for overall points by a non-TI Community member with 140,000+ points.  He primarily supports the ZigBee®, 6LoWPAN and 802.15.4 MAC forum and recently increased his activity in the Bluetooth® low energy and Low-power RF tools forums. Today marks the beginning of a week-long celebration where we can give back and say thanks.  On behalf of Texas Instruments and its Community Members around the world... thank you YiKai Chen!

We have several activities you can participate in this week (including  projects with MSP430™ and RM57X Launchpad, CC2538 wireless MCU and SimpleLink™ CC2650 SensorTag) saying thanks, or you can also leave a quick note of thanks on this Forum thread.  Please share any stories, advice or anything else you wish to share in relation to the help you have seen or gotten from YiKai Chen. This week we all get to join in and say thanks YiKai Chen!

Activities – How you can participate!

How can you participate and say thanks? We will have several projects you can participate in and provide your results, or submit your own project here, new avatars available. You can also put a note of thanks to YiKai Chen on this Forum thread! In addition there are several E2E Avatars and Forum Post Signatures you can use (found here) during this special week honoring YiKai Chen.

We have several activities you can participate in for YiKai Chen Week:


FEATURED PROJECT via : Resident MCU and Hercules Community Member Jan Cumps has created an “Embedded Hercules LaunchPad Web Server - YiKai Chen Model,” which uses a TMS570LC43x or RM57X LaunchPad. Let your Hercules LaunchPad serve a YiKai Chen themed web page. Learn how to use your LaunchPad to serve your own branded pages. Use the project and share your results here!

FEATURED PROJECT via : From TI Community Member Dennis Eichmann, this project uses the MSP-EXP430G2 LaunchPad with MSP430G2553. The “Thank You YiKai Pixel Project,” USCI module in SPI mode clocks data into two serialized 74HC595 shift registers that drive two 5 bit R2R DACs for controlling the X- and Y-axis of the DSO which operates in XY-mode. In doing so, it creates pictures with 32 by 32 pixels of resolution with approximately 50Hz refresh rate on the scope screen. Use the project and share your results here!

FEATURED PROJECT via :  From TI Community Member Martin Valencia, this project uses the Hercules RM57 LaunchPad to generate a color palette with which you can exchange the color pencil and draw a background image, with reference to Yikai Chen Week! Use the project and share your results here!

FEATURED PROJECT via :  From TI Community Member Old Cow Yellow, this project uses a MSP-EXP430FR6989 LaunchPad to thank Yikai on its LCD Display. You will need to use MSP430Flasher to load the attached object code into a MSP430FR6989 LaunchPad. Reset it and it will run for ~30 seconds. After that, the CPU goes to sleep and the LCD keeps the same screen. Use the project and share your results here!

FEATURED PROJECT via : TI Community Member Hector Ramos created a “Wireless Yikai Chen communicator,” which uses a CC2538 development kit and a CC2650- based SensorTag kit.  Use the SimpleLink™ ultra-low power CC2650-based SensorTag to trigger actions on a remote host and show our appreciation for Yikai Chen’s contribution. Learn how to use your SensorTag kit and ZigBee wireless networking protocol to reliably and efficiently send and receive data between several endpoints. Use the project and share your results here!


FEATURED ACTIVITY via From TI Community Member Pablo Lopez comes this artwork illustration tribute and thanks to YiKai Chen.

PARTICIPATE: Have a similar video tribute, artwork or illustration to showcase here? Let us know by posting a reply in this Forum thread.