Part Number: ADC32J42 Hi Experts,
Our customer would like to know if SYNC~ pins are correctly labeled.
In the datasheet, SYNCM~ (PIN 42) is a Positive JESD204B SYNC~ input and SYNCP~ (PIN 43) is a Negative JESD204B SYNC~ input, referring to the "M"…
Part Number: ADC32J42 I'm not sure how to drive the ~SYNC interface on the ADC32J42. The datasheet does not give a differential voltage spec.; only a VHI, VLO, and VCM.
The eval board statement "Provide LDVS to LVPECL DC Coupled translation" is a…
Part Number: ADC32J42EVM DEARS.
The contents of the file of CFG of GUI file downloaded from TI WEB are all the same.
The register values of the ADC3xJxx_80MSPS_Operation_LMK_Setting, ADC3xJxx_128MSPS_Operation_LMK_Setting, and ADC3xJxx_160MSPS_Operation_LMK_Setting…