Part Number: ADS5527 I'm designing a board that integrate an ADS5527. At the input I've an analog differential signal with no DC component. Looking at the datasheet of the ADCi t seems that the DC component can be provided by the VCM pin of the…
Part Number: ADS5527 We realized a board that integrates several ADS5527. At the moment the board does not work well (it seems that the output of the ADCs is always zero). We suspect that the problem is related to the analog input at pins INP and INM.…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS5527 I’ve developed a clock distribution network to feed 60 ADS5527. I’ve used LVDS signal. At the clock distribution network output I’ve obtained the waveform shown in the attached figure. Is this clock waveform acceptable…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS5527 I'm designigning a clock distribution network to synchronize 60 ADS5527. In the datasheet of ADS5527 I can't find information about the impedance seen at the input of the clock (CLKP and CLKM). Where I can find…