Part Number: ADS8568 Hello, We use the ADS8568 in one of our designs to monitor 60 Hz signal quality. We have a signal stability problem at low temperature in our qualification tests. The problem occurs on at least ONE channel of SOME systems only. It is…
Part Number: ADS8568 I'm using a pair of ADS8568 in a design, with an external XCLK provided at 10 MHz. CONVST for all eight pairs of channels is driven simultanously.
Does the converter have an internal hold feature -- that is, it's in "tracking…
Part Number: ADS8568
Hi Team,
We received this inquiry from our customer.
In the datasheet for the ADS8568 it is stated that the minimum voltage levels with which the device will function for HVDD and HVSS are +5V and -5V respectively. However, looking…
Part Number: ADS8568 Hi Team,
The customer is having issues with the ADC SPI communication. Kindly refer to the information below:
I can read te data but from time to time the ADC « fails » to convert data.
I follow the datasheet and code a…
Part Number: ADS8568 Hi,
There are a couple of questions and issue.
1. Does t(ACQ) mean charging time of internal capacitor or acquisition time of conversion data from ADC to MCU?
2. If it's charging time, is internal capacitor charged in t(CONV)?…
Part Number: ADS8568 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS8588H I'm having trouble finding part ADS8568SRGCT in the Channel.
Is there a different part that is comparable that is more readily available, please?
Part Number: ADS9811 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS8568 , ADS9813EVM , ADC-PHI-PRU-EVM , ADS9813 , TSWDC155EVM , ADS9817EVM , TMDS243EVM , TMDS64EVM , TMDSHSECDOCK , TMDSCNCD263 Tool/software: Dear TI Team,
we are reworking an older design that uses FPGAs…
Part Number: ADS8568 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS8556 , We have an ADS8556 in an old design, connected in Hardware Mode and not updating configuration register. Parallel data transfer. We have made another design using ADS8568, connected in Hardware…