Part Number: AFE4490 Tool/software: AFE4490 Output Voltage On a board with a AFE4490 mounted There were some that differed only in the program. As a result, there is a possibility that the output voltage (voltage between TXP and TXN) is different by about…
Part Number: AFE4490 Tool/software: Hi,
We are using AFE4490 in one of our designs. We are using a push pull configuration with common anode connection for the LED. We are facing problems for detecting LED shorts. Mainly the LED which is connected between…
Part Number: AFE4490
Hello, We are using AFE4490RHAT and instead of DB9 connector, we are planning to solder the SPO2 sensor to the board with just 5 Pads on PCB, in that case, how should we route the VCM_SHIELD? Also what is the impedance…
Hello Saeru,
Thank you for your post and apologies for the delay in our response.
In the AFE4490, both INN and INP terminals are biased to the same 0.9V common-mode voltage.
Part Number: AFE4490 Tool/software: First Here is datasheet to use this case.
What I want to do: I want to set the AFE4490 datasheet Figure 116. LEDCNTRL: LED Control Register (Address = 22h, Reset Value = 0000h) and control…
Part Number: AFE4490
Is the default or factory value 0000?
Or is it the Reset Value = **** part of the datasheet? please tell me. By the way, with the settings in the datasheet If I accidentally write 1 in a place like the one where Bits…
Part Number: AFE4490 Dear Sir/Madam,
I purchased AFE4490SPO2EVM and tested its SNR. I have questions about this AFE's SNR performance.
I was looking for the SNR measurements in the datasheet, and it seems that SNR was presented as noise-free bits…
Part Number: AFE4490 Hello TI team,
We are currently developing an SpO2 device using the AFE4490 with an STM32 MCU. We have conducted tests using a simulator and a reference SpO2 machine.
During our tests, we observed discrepancies in the data acquisition…
Part Number: AFE4490 Dear Expert
The AFE4490 circuit is designed according to TI's recommended circuit and works normally in indoor environments; 1. Place the AFE4490 module board into the freezer (at a temperature of about 3 degrees Celsius) (the…