Part Number: CC1354R10 Tool/software: CC1354r10 chip, 2M-4M data rate has little chance of being cached locally, and it is also impossible to transmit it to the outside in a timely manner. Is there any good way to solve this problem or how did you handle…
Part Number: CC1354R10 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC1310 , Tool/software: 1. What issues should be noted when using CC1310 and CC1354? 2. The use of CC1354 400MHZ has not been explicitly stated in the specification sheet. Could you please help me…
Part Number: CC1354R10 Is the CC1354R10 capable of Bluetooth's AoA/AoD Direction Finding? Are there documents that discusses how to enable/use it?
Part Number: CC1354R10 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC1352R , CC1354P10 , CC1352P7 Hello,
I am looking for a RF transceiver IC that would be a good fit for transmitting and receiving encrypted and unencrypted data (i.e text messages using shorter range…
Part Number: CC1354P10 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC1354R10 , , CC1352P7 Tool/software: We use CC1354R10 8*8mm VQFN (64) as the sensor terminal, and CC1354P10, also in 8*8mm VQFN (64) package, as the gateway transceiver matching the terminal sensor…
Hi David,
We apologize for not acquiring the relevant TI LaunchPad. The chip model we are currently utilizing is CC2674R106T0RGZ.
We conducted tests on other chip-based modules such as CC2674P10, CC1354R10, and CC1354P10 without encountering any issues…
Hi Joel,
Thank you for reaching out.
On AoA support for CC1354, quoting my colleague, " The CC1354R10 radio is capable of supporting AoA (both TX and RX), but the required radio patches have not been fully implemented yet and are not regarded as a…
Hi Zack,
I have some more questions on this.
I am interested in +14dBm o/p in 433MHz and +5dBm o/p in 2.4GHz. In 'SmartRF Studio 7', when I select CC1354R10 or CC1354P10, the 'RF Design Based On' option dosen't list LP-CC1352P7-4 (Please…
Hi Olivier,
I am not observing similar behavior from my end. Please make sure that you have installed all update patches in SCS and that the CC2674R10 device is selected (the behavior appears more related to a CC1354R10 configuration). Note that the latest…