Part Number: CC2538-CC2592EMK Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2538 , MAX3223 Tool/software: hi team ,
am designing a custom board based on the CC2538 microcontroller, and I would like to share the UART communication configuration . The setup involves…
Part Number: CC2538-CC2592EMK Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2538EMK , CC2538 Tool/software: hello Team,
1] i am working on CC2538EMK . there is on chip ADC but when i was given analog input to ADC it will give offset in data sheet there is offset…
Part Number: CC2538 Tool/software: Hi Team, We have implemented the following circuit for an appropriate ADC reading. Our Pressure Sensor gives 0.5 to 4.5V Output. We have implemented a voltage divider to make it compatible to the CC2538 ADC Voltage range…
Part Number: CC2538-CC2592EMK Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2538 Tool/software: hi team,
i am working with cc2538 am using external SPI flash IS25LP128 so how can i congifure for read and write operation and also suggest refrance code for that
Part Number: CC2538 Tool/software: Greetings of the day! I wanted to enquire about usage of CTS and RTS on CC2538.
1. Does initializing and assigning the pins as RTS and CTS in the code before the UART code make the hardware flow control work appropriately…
Part Number: CC2538-CC2592EMK Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2538 Tool/software: hi team , i am working with CC2538 , i am tring to implement CTS RTS logic the logic of CTS RTS is when transmitter send RTS low then at reciver side on cts pin it recive…
Part Number: CC2538 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2530 Tool/software: Hi Team, I am planning to connect CC2538 with IS25LP128-JBLE Flash. I want to use it as a programming flash. I have made the connections as follows:
PA3: CS#
Part Number: CC2538 Tool/software: Greetings of the day! In a case where the RF transceiving lines of RF_P and RF_N are not being used, is there a design suggestion for those pins or we can keep it floating? Thanks in Advance!
Part Number: CC2538 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2592 Tool/software: Hi team.
My customer would like to confirm the following.
① Current consumption ・What is the current consumption (peak power) of the CC2538 when the output power of the CC2538…