Part Number: CLOCK-TREE-ARCHITECT Tool/software: Did you ever find a solution to this problem?
I'm on my work from home laptop for hours now. Granted our IT has been hog tying free usage of PC fundamentals in the pursuit of security.
Part Number: CLOCK-TREE-ARCHITECT Tool/software: Hello Team,
My customer told me that the clock architect is stucking in the loading state. Can you please advise?
Part Number: LMK5B33216 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMX2487 Tool/software: Hello,
My customer, Tarana Wireless, provided some information regarding their clock tree for a new program they're developing. Can you take a look and work with me to help…
I checked the register 0x0212012C,this is the result:
root@Linux:~# devmem2 0x0212012C
/dev/mem opened.
Memory mapped at address 0xffffa859c000.
Read at address 0x0212012C (0xffffa859c12c): 0x200103D5
Part Number: AM625 Tool/software: Hello,
How are you supposed to generate a device tree configuration for the AM62x based off of the output of the clock tree tool?
I see that the clock tree tool generates a register dump based off of your current configuration…
Part Number: AM62A7-Q1 Tool/software: Hi TI expert,
When I configure the clock tree in the system configure tool, I will find that the frequency of the the HFOSC0 is locked on 25MHz.
I'm not sure if the AM62A can only support 25MHZ clock for HFOSC0 input…
Hi team,
It has been observed that some modules, such as CBASS, MMR and ESM, have the DCC-clock signal (MCU_DCC0) routed out after dividers.
We have already configured it with 400MHz, but when we check…