Part Number: DAC38J82EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC38J84 , LMK04828 HI,
We are using JESD204B IP core (XILINX).
Ip core : JESD204(7.2)
application : Data transfer from FPGA(virtex - 7 (VC709) ) to DAC(DAC38J84) through JESD204B protocol at line…
Part Number: DAC38J82EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC38J82 I am trying to setup the DAC38j82EVM with the TSW14J56EVM. I am following the instructs in user guide SLAU547B. In section 3.1 it describes how to find the GUI/software to configure the…
Part Number: DAC38J82EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC38J84 DAC3XJ8XEVM software Installation is fine.
But while opening application lot of LabVIEW front panel module missing error pops up.
USB connection failed.
Installed: DAC38J84 GUI Ver 2.1 …
Part Number: DAC38J82EVM Hello,
I hope this finds you well,
When I try to choose DAC3XJ84_LMF_442 from Select DAC drop down for my DAC38J84I connected to TSW14J56, it takes so much time downloading, then, it said that the Firmware could not be downloaded…
Part Number: DAC38J82EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC38J82 38J82: LMFS:8 2 1 2 HD :1
channal A can ouput data but channal C can not ;
why channal C can not out put data;
Please help me solve this problem;
Thank you ! best wishes
Part Number: DAC38J82EVM I configured 8 lanes 800Msps.
How to configure the waveform with NCO?For example, if I want to output 70M, is there an example?
best wishes for your!Thank you!
Part Number: DAC38J82EVM Hello!I have two questions.
1. I configured the DAC LMFKS 821 20 1 FPGA clock:100M, DAC Output rate 800MSPS ,use altera jesd204b.
There is a problem now.When I output the waveform, I always contain other frequency waveforms.
Part Number: DAC38J82EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC38J82 Hello,
I am trying to understand the purpose of all the signals which are connected to the J16 in the EVM of DAC38J82. I managed to understand most of them exept the ones that connected…