Part Number: DAC81401 Tool/software: Hello,
I recently purchased the DAC81401 Evaluation Module. Unfortunately, when I attempted to power up the module, something went wrong. I had initially set the jumpers following the layout shown in “Figure 3-2.…
Part Number: DAC81401 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM2904V , TLV9101 , TLV172 Tool/software: Hi team,
Could you help review DAC81401 schematic as attached. thanks
Part Number: DAC81404EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC81401 Tool/software: Hi team,
What is the need to change the DAC81401 EVM if it is to be controlled by an external controller?
Part Number: DAC81401 Tool/software: Hi there,
I've been looking at the DAC81401 and its EVM for an application as a waveform generator with an output range from +/-24V. The chip seems to fit our needs well in terms of operating ranges, but I am a…
Part Number: DAC81401 Hello,
My customer is working with DAC81401 and have a question. Is the internal REF generated from only positive supply(AVDD)? Is negative supply(AVSS) also used for the internal REF generation? They just wonder if negative supply…
Hi Srinath,
Unfortunately, we do not offer a linux driver for that device. We do have a python example for a device in that family, the DAC81401, which you could reference as a starting point for developing a interface.
DAC81401 data sheet, product information…
Hi Sato-san,
Are there other specs you require (resolution, channel count, SPI vs I2C)? We have quite a few DACs that can accept higher supplies. You could consider the DAC81401.
Katlynne Jones
Hello Sarath,
DAC81401 supports the voltage ranges you mentioned. The DAC can be used to generate sinewaves, but you would need to stream data to the DAC from an MCU that generates the sinewave pattern. You would also need to add a power amplifier to…
Hello Pilla,
You can consider the DAC81401 as a newer device.
Here are a few parallel interface DACs that also fit the requirement if you cannot use SPI communication:
Katlynne Jones