Part Number: DRV135 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV134 , Hi Experts,
This question is regarding the DRV135UA.
We have a product using this chip and we're designing the manufacturing tests. Can the cold side be safely connected to ground to create…
Part Number: DRV135 I have another DRV135 audio question. We're apply 6 Vpp at 1kHz with an open load on the two output pins (The circuit that we're using can be seen below). The driver keeps getting damaged after using it few times, could this…
Part Number: DRV135
i`m a nalyze drv135 Using TINA ti
but I don`t understadnd Simulation result
in this condition V+ :15V, V-:-15V Vin;3V, Vo+ is 3.3V and Vo- is -3.28V
in datasheet, Gain error is noticed 0.1% at Diffrential
so, i have a question…
Part Number: DRV135 Why is it 3.18Vpp at the input, -3.18Vpp and +3.48Vpp at the output? What is causing the difference? The measurements were carried out without load.
Part Number: DRV135 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV134 Would connecting a lower load like 75 ohms to the two output pins of the driver (instead of 600 ohms) cause any damage to the driver or voltage signal?
Part Number: DRV135 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV134 Hi , we are plan to use the DRV135UA device in our audio conference system for differential line out put. we have single power supply system of 12VDC.
can we use DRV135 on single power supply…
Part Number: DRV135 If I'm using two DRV135 audio drivers and the outputs of both drivers are tied together, will this cause damage to the one of the drivers when the other one has a stimulus applied to it? Will this cause the second drivers output…