Part Number: DRV3233-Q1 Tool/software: Hello,
The datasheet given in the below link doesn't include detailed electrical specification and the SPI register settings.…
Part Number: DRV3233-Q1 Hello,
Our team has some challenges regarding the DRV3233-Q1 actual data sheet, Rev 0.8, due to errors like:
MON_CTRL3 register: Table 7-8. Register Map Summary Table does not match MON_CTRL3 Register (Address = 2Dh…
Part Number: DRV3255-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV3233-Q1 Tool/software: I was browsing the BLDC drivers tab on the TI website, and found that the datasheets for the DRV3255-Q1, DRV3233-Q1, and DRV-3256-Q1 don't have much useful development…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV3233-Q1 , LAUNCHXL-F280049C , UNIFLASH Hi,
My customer is trying to evaluate DRV3233-Q1 EVM + LAUNCHXL-F280049C with DRV3233EVM Sensored Trapezoidal GUI in TI Gallery.
They tried…
Thanks for reaching out! since the DRV32x products are covered under NDA I am unable to discuss too much about them on public E2E. The DRV3205 is an older part and we have several other newer parts that may be of interest to you, the DRV3245 and…