Part Number: INA198 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA193 , INA196 , INA197 , INA194 , INA195 , Hi,
Full-Scale Input Voltage is specified 0.15V(typ).
How condition is this?
Best Regards,
Hello Andy-san
Thanks for your reply. We provide log file of battery. Could you please check whether the attached file will be acceptable at GPCCHEM?
Current sensing 3V 1A (2019 12 09).xlsx Best Regards, Hirokazu Takahashi
Part Number: INA196 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI , INA193 , INA198 , INA194 , INA195 , INA197 Hello,
I'm using INA196 to measure current flowing through the load as per attached picture. I have wide range of currents, so I use INA196 to measure…
Part Number: INA181 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA197 , INA190 Hi there, I'm considering the INA181 to perform bidirectional current measurements because of it's accuracy and simplicity. I'm measuring voltages across a 33mohm shunt and the common…
Hi Carlos.
Thanks again for replying. As it turns out for this batch the supplier had provided INA197 devices which have a different footprint to the INA195, and so the voltage applied to Rsense and Vin+ was actually being applied to the output which…
Many postings in the E2E Forum can be designated as a Frequently Asked Question or FAQ. In order for you to quickly create a system and implement a current and power sensing solution here is a curation of links to these FAQ postings. As time goes on more…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCD90160 , UCD90120 , INA197 , UCD9090 Hello,
i am using the UCD90160 to monitor eight voltages and their currents. I am using shunt resistors and INA197 OpAmp to measure current scaled to 2.5V max. input voltage for the UCD90xxx…
Hi Rajesh,
There are two grades available for this product...
I'm having issues setting up the ADC to take stable readings in a varied sample rate environment.
The ADC is called as and when an event occurs, this may mean a minutes separation or sequential. The ADC value needs to be equal to have a validity…