The layout looks fine.
Here's what I'm thinking. The junction temperature for the LM317-N, from your measurement, is estimated to be 76C + 2W * 10.4C/W = 97C, and if your board was similar in thermal performance to the JEDEC High-k board from…
Part Number: LF398-N Hi,
I'm using the LF398 sample and hold circuit for an acquisition chain and it's time for PCB layouting.
LF398 datasheet talks about guarding ring around input pin for the TO-99 package. Is it also doable with the SOIC package…
Part Number: LF398-N Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI Hi all Would you mind if we ask LF398-N? We would like to simulate using TINA-TI. So, there is no LF398-N's TINA-TI model on the Web. Could you share us LF398-N's TINA-TI model? Kind regards…
Hi Choi,
We did have schematic checklist on DP83848. Please take a look and let me know if you have any concern:
848 Schematic recommendation.xlsx
We also have layout checklist and ECM recommendation customer could refer to:
Hi Jimmy,
My mistake I used Ghz instead of Gbps.
It looks like with 157 ps/inch you are seeing 0.157 ps/mil and with an intra pair skew of 3.5ps that mean that if you divide the intra-pair skew we can see that 3.5/0.157 = 22.2 mils difference between…
?? ?? said: - allowing Number of vias
We recommend no more then 2 vias
?? ?? said: - allowed Length of via stubs
N/A. Try to minimize vias as much as possible. Typically go from top layer to bottom
?? ?? said: - maximum length limit
Depends on the insertion…
Part Number: LM350-N-MIL Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM350-N , , LM350A Hello team.
The TI product page says for the LM350-N-MIL device the data sheet applies to both LM350-N and LM350-N-MIL.
In the data sheet Absolute Maximum Ratings it’s not clear…
Part Number: LF398-N Hello,
I would like to know if the LF398 will work if I connect it to a +/-12V Power Supply ?
Thank you in advance for your help
Kind regards,
Julien R.
Part Number: LF398-N Hello,
I supply the device with +15V at V+ and -15V at V-. When using the LF398N device (DIP package) an negative input of at least -10V is being hold at the output, whereas with the LF398M version (SOIC packages) the output is limited…
Hello Ian,
The LF398-N has a maximum input offset voltage of 7 mV when used in the following conditions as specified in the datasheet:
(-Vs + 3.5V) < Vin < (+Vs - 3.5V)
+Vs = +15V
-Vs = -15V
Ambient Temperature = 25°C
Ch = 0.01 µF
RL …