Part Number: LM4030 Tool/software: Dear Specialists,
My customer has a question about conformal coating availability.
I would be grateful if you could advise.
Is it possible to apply conformal coating to LM4030?
Will this affect accuracy?
I appreciate…
Part Number: LM4030 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI Hello,
I try to simulate LM4030 in LTSpice using the models for version A, B , C of LM4030 and I get an error that says: Unknown parameter: _u1. Would you please give me a subckt SPICE description…
Part Number: LM4030 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: REF1112 Hi TIer
My customer want to replace the LT1634CCZ-1.25, I search on
I found LM4030 is good replacement but no 1.25V version.
Could you give me other replacement suggestion?
Thank you…
Part Number: LM4030 Hi team,
Do we have data on this for drift vs temperature and drift vs time beyond what's in the datasheet? Specifically my customer is wondering about the stability under higher ambient (specifically 60C) and longer time (10k hours…
Part Number: LM4030 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ATL431
Hello Team,
What exactly happens when the applied voltage to LM4030 is smaller than its reverse breakdown voltage (2,5 V)?
Does any current flow via LM4030 in this condition? Or there is no…
Part Number: LM4030 Hi Team, Do the NC pins (pins 1 and 2) of LM4030 have internal connection or in any way connected to ground/NC pin (pin 2)? Or are they completely open from each other? Kind Regards, Jejomar
Part Number: LM4030 Hi team.
Our customer wants to make negative voltage with this device.
Is it possible to use this device with the following configuration?
And when N/C pin connect to another pin like follow, what kind of problem can occur?
Part Number: LM4030 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TL431 Hello guys,
One of my customers is considering using LM4030BMF-4.096 for their new products.
They have a few questions as the follows.
Could you please tell me your reply for the questions?
Part Number: LM4030 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI Model link: "LM4030_NA2P5_TRANS.lib"
Sim Tools:
Multisim 14 , Component wizard 5 of 7,
SPICE Netlist Warning, element 'E_U1:LM4030_NA2P5':…
Part Number: LM4030 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: REF3450 LM4030B is a "ultra-precision" shunt reference (1% and 20ppm/°C) up to 30mA.
Is there an (easy) application to build a (ultra-precision) 5V reference with more current capability…