Part Number: LM74800EVM-CD Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM74800-Q1 Hello,
I would like to have the uncrypted PSpice LM74800-Q1 file to do a EMC simulation. Could you send me the uncrypted PSpice file?
Kind regards,
Part Number: LM74800EVM-CD In the reference manual for the LM74800EVM-CD on the schematic it says the current limit is 5A. I see the current limit for Q1 is much higher than 5A so I was wondering what sets the current limit for the EVM?
Part Number: LM74800EVM-CD After Importing the model LM74800-Q1 PSPICE Transient Model into LTSpice I see this error (pic attached) Looks like the model is encrypted. Please provide an unencrypted one to proceed with the simulation. Thank you Viktor S.
Part Number: LM74800EVM-CD Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM7480-Q1 Hi,
currently is using LM74800 design(using CD evm) and there is a case that the LM74800 C to A voltage to be greater than the absolute maximum level (>85V).
do you think adding…
Part Number: LM74800EVM-CD Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM74800-Q1 Hello Team,
I'm posting on behalf of my customer:
I am currently testing the design stated in "Figure 21. Design # 6" in the document…
Part Number: LM74800EVM-CD Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM74800-Q1 I am testing the functionality of the LM74800 driver using the LM74800EVM-CD evaluation board. My setup has the jump inserted in:
J5 -> 1-2 Enables by connecting to VIN
J6 -> …
Part Number: LM74800EVM-CD
I am using this LM74800QDRRRQ1 & for Active Power Selection between two power Sources PS1 : Nominal 48VDC (Voltage vary in between 42 to 50 VDC) and PS2: Nominal 46 VDC (Voltage vary in between 42 to 53VDC). PS1 is always at…
Part Number: LM74800EVM-CD Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM74800EVM-CS Good morning,
could you send me the design files for LM74800EVM-CS and LM74800EVM-CD ?
Best Regards,
Part Number: LM74800EVM-CD Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM74800-Q1 , LM7480-Q1 Hello:
Under the following application conditions: the voltage of battery 1 and battery 2 cannot be the same in many cases. Each time the battery is powered on, the battery…