Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA333 , MSP-TS430DL48
I am well versed in setting up the SD16
on the F2013 uC. The same strategy does not seem to work on the
F4270, therefore I need some clarification on the proper method to
set up the ports…
Can anyone point me to a resource describing the conversion of the ADCMEM0 value to a voltage when I'm using the SD16A channel A5 internal voltage sensor?
For A5, the value is (AVCC - AVSS)/11.
I have not (that I know of) made any changes with regards…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F4270 hello all;
now I am using MSP430F4270, and i'd like to measure the voltage of the battery, if the battery low the microcontroller will give warning.
so i just connect power supply with voltage divider resistor…
Part Number: MSP430I2041 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F4270
Hi experts,
My customer has created a custom board using MSP430I2041. They are currently facing a problem that they cannot pass impulse noise test.(IEC 61000-4-5: Surge immunity test…
Part Number: BQ25570 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F4270 , , TS5A4624 , TPS22860 I am trying to do an external MPPT in the bq25570 EVM using the DAC module of MSP430F4270 microcontroller. To switch between the MPP reference source I am using the…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F4270 hi i have msp430f4270 and i able to debug my board from last 2 days but suddenly i am not able to debug it shows can not find device what should be the problem?
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F4270 i have microcontroller msp430f4270 i want to know that while my device is in lmp3 mode can i get intrupt on p1/p2 which is capable of generating intrupt?????????
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F4270 i have installed code composser essential v3 .i try to program my on msp430f4270 board in past i am able to programme on same board useing ccsv3 but in present i got following error
"Tried to initialize USB…
i want code of bitbang for i2c as master but cant download it posted by SRIHK in this forum reply so any one can help me??????? i have msp430f4270 controller...
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F4270 , XTR115 Dear Sir:
We use XTR115 in our product,VCC supply MCU(MSP430F4270),MCU output DACout voltage to drive XTR115 which can output 4~20mA.MCU current is 1.8mA.
But we find that XTR115 output current is…