Part Number: MSP430F448 When using MSP430F448 with a 4MHz crystal oscillator for surge testing at 4kV and 5KHz, the program crashed and needed to be re programmed.
Improvements in layout, static electricity, EMC, and other aspects were ineffective.
Part Number: MSP430F448 Hello,
When we use MSP430F448IPZR for surge testing at a frequency of 2-4kV and 5kHz, using an external crystal oscillator may cause the program to run away and require a power outage, restart, or re program to recover. The chip…
Part Number: MSP430F449 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F448
In my water meter application, i find same circuit in MSP430F448 and MSP430F449, but MSP430F449 ADC sampling value will higher than MSP430F448.
MSP430F449 will higher 44# than…
Part Number: MSP430F448 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-FET , MSPBSL Team,
my customer is using BSL programmer made by Gessler Electronic. Gessler Electronic is not existing anymore, so they are looking for replacements. The BSL programmer is meant…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F448 Team,
my customer needs to know the internal resistance of the ADC12 channels of MSP430F448 (P6.0 - P6.7).
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F448 I want to use TI-RTOS in msp430f448 and I can't find anything about it for reference. I want to know if TI-RTOS is suitble for msp430f448 and where
I can find the material to refer to. I am newer about msp430…
I work on the F448, and when i set LFXT1 to be used with external clock(32KHz), then sleep in LPM3, the power will be 200+ uA, It's too high . LFXT1 may be used with an external clock signal on the XIN pin when XTS_FLL = 1, but when XTS_FLL = 1,the…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F448 Dear All!
I meet the MSP430F448 now.
I beginner in the them.
Can you help me?
How to do it in C source program, the following task?
( I need use the process in command line.)
We have MSP430 GANG programmer…
Part Number: UNIFLASH Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F448 Tool/software: Code Composer Studio The newest version of UNIFLASH does not support MSP430F448 BSL mode. When can the software support MSP430F448 BSL mode?