Part Number: OPA361 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA360 Hi Team, Customer originally uses the OPA360, and customer would like to switch to OPA361. OPA360 has the pin3 SAG function to reduce the output cap.
OPA361 do not has the SAF pin, OPA361 has the…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA361 , DM3725 , OPA360 Hello.
I have a quick question which is intended more as a sanity check.
I am planning to employ DM3725's video DACs to produce a PAL signal on the other side. My intention is to bypass internal buffers…
Hello Kygo,
I would suggest the OPA360 or the OPA361. Both devices have internal fixed gain (OPA360 has 6dB, OPA361 has 14.3dB), sag correction, filtering, and around 8MHz bandwidth.
Thank you,
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA361 Hi All,
I would like to ask a question on OPA361 footprint.
I have found several components have additional , unnecessary copper region with them in EVM6437 PCB file (DM6437 EVM by SpectrumDigital…
Part Number: THS7376 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA361 , OPA360 , OPA692 Hi team,
Do we have suitable device to replace SN1603? Thanks.
Part Number: OPA615 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA361 , OPA360 , OPA362 , THS7303 , THS7353 , THS7347 , THS7327 , THS7316 , THS7365 , THS7373 , THS7368 , THS7364 , THS7372 , THS7360 , THS7376 Hi Team,
Recently, we met an issue that the video signal DC part is…
Part Number: TMS320DM8148 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA361 , Hi, I have read and implemented OPA361 and TV Detection SBOA109 but on TMS320DM8148.
In the TRM SPRUGZ8G, Table 3-143, it shows pins for TV Detect. GPIO1_0 and GPIO1_1. (below)
When I look at…