Part Number: PMP40467 Tool/software: Dear TI Support,
I see this reference design PMP40467 suitable with our project.
I'm looking forward the transformer parameter using in this reference, but i can't find it in all documents have mentioned on website…
Hi Hong
Thanks for your answer is very helpful.
One more questions. I have checked out a few TI reference design, in some of the design, there is a Zener at the input of VDD of UCC28742. (PMP40467)
Please correct me if I am wrong.
I assume that Zener…
Hello Downey,
This design is 24V. Major changes would be needed to convert it to 48V, such as transformer change, checking for voltage for everything on the output side. Note: that most of the things on the 24V bus can't support 55V. The current range…