Part Number: SN6505B Tool/software: Hi team,
Related with this question, sn6505b: Switching stops momentarity when ESD test .
I think the way of ESD protaction is using ESD protection diode or filter. Do you have more suitable method?
Best regards,
Part Number: SN6505B Tool/software: Hello experts,
I prepare to use SN6505 to design a push-pull circuit. The transform we used is Bourns HCTSM80308BAL, Turns Ratio 3:8.
I have some questions shown as below:
1、How to calculate the push-pull circuit output…
Part Number: SN6505B-Q1 Tool/software: Hello Team, customer has a few question about Over-Temp and Over-Current block in our SN6505.
Block: TEMP
How is this block working? Is this shut-down only the MOSFET driver?
At which temperature value and how…
Part Number: SN6505B Tool/software: Hello TI Team,
I want to use SN6505B (Low-Noise 1-A Transformer Drivers for Isolated Power Supplies) to generate 24-Watt (48V output).
a. Vin to SN6505B is 5V
b. Vin to CT transformer 24V and output is 48V (24 Watt…
Hello Benjamin,
After reviewing your posts, I believe that you are on the right track and the thermal protection is most likely triggering and stopping the switching. Once the device cools down it tries to switch again. I found a previous E2E post that…
Part Number: SN6505B Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN6507
I need an isolated 24VDC power supply (50mA minimum) that is generated from the 5VDC.
Can I use a SN6505B with a transformer flipped 180°: 750319694 or 750317828 or 750316856…
Part Number: SN6505B Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN6501 Tool/software: Hi,
For inverter and isolated gate driver bias supply architectures, such as Fly-buck,LLC,Push-Pull.
Which topology is more appropriate, consider the cost, EMI, CMTI issue, pcb…
Part Number: SN6505B Tool/software: Hi sir
I need to design a isolator power, vin is 5v , vout is 15v, may I know the max output current in second side?
if i need a +/-15V when vin is 5v, may i know the max current output?
Part Number: SN6505B-Q1 Tool/software: Hello,
I am considering using SN6505B-Q1 isolator driver for power isolation in ECG board.
I have several questions:
Can you please review my circuit for supplying isolated 3.3v :
The transformers considered here…