Part Number: SN65C1168E Hi,
Kindly provide below details for Part# SN65C1168E
Maximum Cable length SN65C1168E can operate.
How many SN65C1168E nodes will be connected on RS485 bus.
There are RS-232 transceivers that need external high-voltage supplies, e.g., SN75155.
But in practice, high-noise environments are much easier handled with differential signals like LVDS (e.g., SN65LVDS049) or RS-422/RS-485 (e.g., SN65C1168E or 2× THVD1512…
Part Number: SN65C1168E Hello,
Our customer use the SN65C1168E.
The customer don't use the DE function.
Is it possible to connect the DE terminal to VCC directly?
Best Regards,
Naoki Aoyama
Part Number: SN65C1168E Hi All
My customer is using SN65C1168E for their 2ch RS422. Then, they'd like to use same device for their 1ch RS422 too.
When they don't use the second driver and receiver of SN65C1168E, how should they handle terminals…
Part Number: SN65C1168E Hi, this part has been selected by our customer as our RS422 receiver interface. I was not able to find any evaluation kits for this chip, just SPICE simulations. We were hoping to validate our design before fabrication. Are there…
Part Number: SN65C1168E Hi, we have been instructed to use part number SN65C1168EPWG4 by our customer. It looks like this part number has been changed by TI. Can someone provide details for why this was changed?
Thank you
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN65C1168E Hello,
Our customer use the SN65C1168E.
The customer want to know the current consumption under condition as follows.
Data rate : 10Mbps
How about the current consumption?
Best Regards…
Part Number: SN65C1168E I can't seem to find this in the datasheet. What should I electrically connect the thermal pad to on the SN65C1168ERGYR? Should it be no-connect?
These devices have different pinouts. How exactly are you testing?
A better replacement for the SN75ALS1178 would be the SN75C1168/SN65C1168/SN65C1168E (with a smaller common-mode range).
Part Number: TLC3702 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV1812 , SN65C1168E
SiliconExpert is contracted by our customer to work with their suppliers for accuracy and compliance.
As we found that the part SN75C1168PWE4 is valid and Active in this datasheet…