Part Number: MSP-EXP432E401Y Tool/software: Hello!
I recently purchased an MSP-EXP432E401Y after I completed a semester at Virginia Tech using MSP-EXP432P401R along with the BoosterXL MK II. My first point of trouble is that there does not seem to be…
Part Number: CCSTUDIO Tool/software: I can use a tech support’s help to upgrade our CCS 10 to 20 as we are several revisions behind, which can cause issues in the long run as we miss out on all the bug fixes. However, we must ensure that out binary outputs…
Part Number: MSP-EXP430G2ET Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430G2553 Tool/software: Currently trying to build a functional test for a drop in part on the IO Expander eval kit but can't get the MSP430 flash to load the necessary firmware using the…
Part Number: TMS320F28377D Tool/software: Hallo,
is there an easy way how to migrate CCS12 project to a CCS20 including the debug configurations? We are Using both CPU Cores and CLAs. A detailed instructions of how to do it would also be helpful.
Sadly it didn't work.
I did a work around and created a new project using the blinking led example, I think that my best shot given the fact that I am going to do the multicore application is migrating the files manually.
I hope this guide can work…
Part Number: C2000WARE-DIGITALPOWER-SDK Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CONTROLSUITE Tool/software: Hi team,
With the new CCS 20 (theia) role out, the scripting console functionality of many ControlSuite examples (for example TIDM-1000 ) is broken.
Part Number: TMS320F28P550SJ Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS320F28377S , C2000WARE Tool/software: Hello, I need to migrate C source code manually generated and automatically generated by Matlab Embedded Coder for a TMS320F28377S target to a TMS320F38P550…
Hi Lee,
Jeongwon Lee said: From the link you shared, regarding the 1. nowECC, 2. CCS/UniFlash, and 3. Linker Command Files, which one can be used in my development environment (Development Environment: RM57L843, IAR environment)?
I didn't test them in…
Part Number: CCSTUDIO
Hi,Ki-san. We are going to migrate a project of C5505(working) to a new system with C5517.So we modified several parts of the C5505 source cord(about PLL CLK of the DSP)to…