Part Number: TLV4041 Hello team,
My customer is in need of information on the UBM (Under Ball Metallization)/SRO (Solder Resist Opening) of this device TLV4041R1YKAR.
Thank you,
Austin Allen
Part Number: TLV4041 Hi,
I am designing in the TLV4041R5DBVR push-pull part (I would prefer Open Drain, but unfortunately, there is no Open Drain part in a package larger than tiny DSBGA). I need to connect the output of this comparator to the LVCMOS18 input…
Part Number: TLV4041 HI,
Am looking for a comparator which provides ouput Latch facility, can any one share Latched Comparators Part numbrt?
Application is for Short circuit detection of a battery pack .
Thanks in Advance
Part Number: TLV4041 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV3201 Hi,
By looking at the rise time from datasheet it was written as 1.7ns.
So looks like I can pass a 10MHZ clock signal to the input of an TLV4041R5.
Part Number: TLV4011 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV4041 Hi team,
Can you help look for the alternative of MIC841HYMT-TR, P2P device is better.
I attached the datasheet here. Microchip-MIC841.pdf
Do you have a reference voltage, 10.5 V or something else?
If you do not already have a reference voltage, use a comparator with integrated reference like the TLV4041/TLV4051. Run it from the FPGA's 3.3 V supply, and use a voltage divider to scale the…
Part Number: SN74LVC2G241 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV7031 , TLV803E , TLV4041 Hello we are using the SN74LVCG241 in a power-up sequence circuit that has critical timing requirements. The issue we see is the output of the buffer goes high once the…
Typically several milliamperes (there is no guaranteed limit):
The Δt/Δv limit must not be exceeded; see [FAQ] How does a slow or floating input affect a CMOS device?
Adding a Schmitt-trigger buffer (e.g., SN74LVC1G17) allows such signals…
Part Number: LMV761 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV4021 , LM393LV , TLV7011 , TLV9022 , TLV7021 , TLV4031 , TLV4051 , TLV4041 Hi, does someone know what the input characteristics of the shutdown pin of the LMV761 are? Specifically, what are the logic thresholds…