Hi Hongmei,
What you have described in the InitFlash() function sounds like it is due to optimizations. If your project has optimizations turned on, it will likely appear that some lines are being stepped to out of order/lines are skipped. That being said…
Hongmei Wan said: It looks like this. How to set it?
Yes, it is set to -02, which is fairly aggressive.
Try turning optimization off and see if the issues go away:
Part Number: TMDSCNCD28379D Tool/software: Hello,
I am designing a converter board and plan to use the TMDSCNCD28379D as my control card. Therefore, I need to include a connector for the TMDSCNCD28379D. Could you please tell me where I can download the…
Tool/software: Hi,
This issue was 8 years ago. I am wondering if this is fixed or not? We are using this control card.
E2E post, controlCARD R1.3 Board Assembly Issue Involving the ADC: https://e2e.ti.com/support/microcontrollers/c2000/f/171/t/57630…
Part Number: TMDSCNCD28379D Tool/software: Hi,
If I don't have docking station, can J8 directly connect with 5V external power supply instead of connecting with USB port on PC? J8 seems to provide power from PC. Currently I can't use my keyboard…
Part Number: TMDSCNCD28379D Tool/software: The story is I bought a tmdscncd28379d control card roughly a month ago and am now not able to connect to it. I have uploaded a picture of the board and the error I am getting in code composer.
Some back story…
Part Number: TMDSCNCD28379D Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMDSCNCD263 Tool/software: We have a current hardware based out of TMDSCNCD28379D control card and plan to replace the same with the TMDSCNCD263 , AM263x general-purpose controlCARD development…
?? ? said: When ADC-B2 is left floating, it is common to read any arbitrary value because the pin is in an indeterminate state. However, when ADC-B2 is grounded, the reading drops to 70 LSB, which is still surprisingly high. This is unusual because…
Part Number: TMDSCNCD28379D Tool/software: Recently, our company bought 10 pcs of TMDSCNCD28379D control card. We find that the control cards cannot produce PWM output. We have tested 8 pcs of them and all have the same problem. The revision of the control…
Part Number: TMDSCNCD28379D Other Parts Discussed in Thread: C2000WARE , TEST2 Tool/software: I am trying to write data to sdcard via SPI communication, but I am stumped by the fatfs settings. I am referring to SDFatFS.c , sdspi.c of C:\ti\c2000\c2000Ware_4_01_00_00…