Part Number: TPS61042 Tool/software: Hi TI,
I note that TPS61042 have two package, DRB0008A and DRB0008B. This two have a little different. But I didn`t find two kinds of full part number.
Would you like tell me this two different package full part number…
Part Number: TPS61042 Hello,
I've designed a device using the TPS61042DRBR, and did the layout with the DRB0008A footprint, as we habe it in our library for other TI ICs . I didn't notice that there are 2 different footprints in the datasheet, the…
Part Number: TPS61042 Hello guys,
One of my customers uses TPS61042DRB for their current mass production.
They received PCN (No. 20230719001.1) for this device a few weeks ago. The PCN says that TI CDAT assembly site was added and package exposed thermal…
Part Number: TPS61042 Hello guys,
One of my customers is considering using TPS61042 for their new products. They have the following question at this moment. Could you please give me your reply?
Q. Can a different voltage from VIN terminal one be connected…
Part Number: TPS61042 Hi team,
My customer use TPS61042 in their project. Below is the schematic.
The issue is when CTRL ON, the brightness of the LED does not change with ADJ, and there is no significant change in the voltage of Rs.
Could you please…
Part Number: TPS61042 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS92200 Team - Regarding TPS61042 - can it be used with only 1 LED at the output?
What happens when VI > VO (in the case for new battery when VI= 3.1V and VO = 2.8V)?
Part Number: TPS61042 I have a design where the Vin pin of the tps61042 is connected directly to a battery and the ctrl pin is connected to a microcontroller that runs off a 3.3 V supply. It's possible for the ctrl pin to be at 3.3 V when the Vin pin…
Part Number: TPS61042 The layout example in the datasheet has the LED string tied to the SW node (inductor side of the diode) rather than the output (capacitor side of the diode).
The EVM layout is correct though.
Part Number: TPS61042 Hello,
We are using TPS61042 for the LED brightness control.
We connect 2 LEDs in series at output of LED Driver (Pin-7 OVP and Pin-1 LED).
Circuit diagram is as given below figure.
At resistor Rs = 4.8 ohm, we get drop across…
Part Number: TPS61042 Hi Sir,
customer design TPS61042. from spec, the max Vfb is 260mV.
however, customer measure the Vfb is 0.263~0.266mV.
Is there any side effect for this?
Vin: 5.09V