Part Number: TPS61071-Q1 Tool/software: Hello,
I am an FAE at a distributor that handles TI products. I asked about the issue of the SW pin being shorted to ground in the following thread. I received a follow-up question from my customer.
The symptoms…
Part Number: TPS61071-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS61070 Tool/software: Hello,
I am an FAE at a distributor that handles TI products. I received an inquiry from my customer about the TPS61071-Q1. The inquiry is about the SW pin being shorted…
Part Number: TPS61071 Tool/software: Dear Designer,
My customer had a burnout problem when using TPS61071DDCR for small batch testing, with a ratio of about 3/8. The schematic diagram is shown in the figure. Please help analyze the cause.
Best Regards…
Part Number: TPS61071-Q1 Hi, Support Team
I simulated TPS61071-Q1 under Vin=1.8V, Vout=3.3V, Iout=200mA by Webench. But I couldn't simularted it because switch current limited exceeded. I think this device can operate that condition considering figure…
Part Number: TPS61071 Hi Dear,
May I ask if TI has a solution where a single boost chip can achieve positive and negative output?
For example, with a 4.2V input and a 5V output obtained through a boost chip, can negative 5V be obtained by adding some…
Part Number: TPS61071-Q1 Hi team,
Does it have output capacitor limitation? Output Capacitor C2 shows just minimum capacitance. Does it have maximum allowable output capacitance?
Is there any concern for VOUT=5V when VIN=EN=0V? How much current…
Hi Minqiu
Thank for your reply.
inductance down to 3.3uH and connecting parallel 47~100nF with R6(1M) my issue is resolved.
I will also attach a TPS61071 pattern, so can you tell me if there are any bad points?
Unfortunately, in this time the pattern…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS61071 Hi
Let me ask about the production situation of the TPS61071 IC, present the price is increasing and the limited quantity? I am using this component for long term project and mass production. The price increase…