Part Number: TPSM843A22 Tool/software: Hi,
I am looking to calculate resistors RENT and RENB to enable the adjustable UVLO. refer to page 11 of the datasheet of the TPSM843A22. What is the value of IP, IH, VENFALLING and VENRISING? I had a quick look through the…
Part Number: TPSM843A22E Tool/software: Hi Team,
We are using TPSM843A22RDGR-ET to generate 1V@10A for FPGA core voltage from 5V input, so request your support on reviewing the schematic's attached and provide your feedback.
Mahesha R …
Part Number: TPSM843A22 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMZ31710 , TPS54824 Tool/software: Hi, expert:
I see TPSM843A22 could support switch internal clock to external sync, I hope to know how about the dynamic performance when switch to external sync…
Part Number: TPSM843A22 Tool/software: Is it possible to get an unencrypted spice model?
I wish to use this part in LTSpice but since there is only an encrypted pspice model available I cannot do a conversion to LTSpice. Thank you.
Part Number: TPSM843A22 LM21215 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA219 , , LM21215A , TPS40077 , LM5141 , TPS40170 , LM5146 , LM25145
I want to design a DC-DC buck converter with an input voltage range of 12-24V, an output voltage of 1.5V,…
Part Number: TPSM843A22 Tool/software: HI ,
As datasheet 6.1/6.5 section show, the maximum operating junction temperature is 125℃, thermal shutdown threshold is 165℃,and thermal reinitiate threshols is 135 ℃(caculated by 30℃ hysteresis value)
Since operation…
Part Number: TPSM843A22
Could you please let me know if there are any plans to update the following two products to PSpice for TI?
Best regards,
Hi MM,
Attaching the corrected version of the TPSM843A22 calculator. Let me know if there's still any issues. TPSM843B22_A22_A26_Calculator_RevB.xlsm