Our group is working on our final year engineering and have ran into a lot of issues one of which is overheating of our instrumentation amp.
Our system is operating on a +/- 6 V source with reference mapped to ground. The design is comprised of two INA116, to amplify and remove crosstalk and bio-noise, and two OPA4209, working as filters. We have two silver electrodes that are feed into the inputs of the first INA116 which outputs into the second INA116 with the reference electrode [comprised of a single INA116 at the same gain value of the first one]. The final output is mapped to the input of the OPA4209.
The tests we ran proved that the INA116 are operating as expected with controlled voltage inputs. What we noticed is that when there is no input, we are reading voltage on the input of the same magnitude as the power source... [Question 1] Is the power leaking out of the input terminals of the INAs?
The main concern is that the OPA are overheating instantly when power is supplied. There are periods of where the heat is oscillating and other times that there is no heat, but most of the time it;s overheating. We believe that the current is too high but don't know where malfunctioning. The first OPA is a notch filter that removes 60hz and the second OPA is a band pass filter, passing frequencies between 20 and 500hz. When the OPA is not overheating we confirmed that the notch filter is somewhat working, but not completely removing the 60hz frequencies.
Could someone kindly look over our schematic and help us diagnose our issue of overheating. Any input on improving our filters would be kindly appreciated as well, especially the second one since it's kinda funny....
Thanks in advance.