Good morning! I'm simulating a simple transimpedance amplifier made with THS3491. When doing a transient analysis, I've got a modulated wave as a result. What could be wrong?
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Thanks Michael, didn't notice that! I will have to change the OPAMP model since in my design, RF has to be 100Ohms. Unfortunately there aren't many devices that can handle this voltage swing and GBW. Thanks again. Greetings.
So you kind of don't know what RL2 is? Sounds like a unity gain stable VFA requirement with a lot of output drive if you want to stay with that 100ohm feedback (looks like a load to the op amp)
The other way to stay with the THS3491 is to slip a 402 ohm inside the loop to the inverting node (from the normal inverting summing junction). For LG purposes, it thinks it sees that 402 for compensation. You might try that in sim, does of course increase the noise.
That's right, it's unknown. There are two stages, one of them to measure the voltage, and this one, to measure the current through the DUT.
I guess I will have to move to a VFA architecture and sacrifice some voltage swing (I was expecting to be able to apply a DC offset of 10V to the DUT, hence a +/-15V split supply was the objective). I'm willing to apply 10MHz signals to the DUT too.
You should try some lower values in sim for DUT,
I guessed, the LG for CFA is Rf + Ri*NG, I just increased the Ri but as the NG goes way up, the BW should be coming down but you are starting with quite a lot here, here is 10ohm input R, still flat through 10MHz, might have room to reduce that 402 say down to 348ohm
Here I went to 348ohm inside the loop and a 1kohm source, about 8dB peaking, stable but concerning,
The design is thought to apply 10MHz maximum frequency to the DUT, so I think it would be OK. I chose this part 'cause it's quite linear on this range of frequency (besides all of the other features like voltage swing and low noise).