I am currently trying to drive a Hydraulic solienoid pressure regulation valve with the TI DRV103 PWM Low-Side Driver. The hydraulic pressure regulation valve is from Sun Hydraulics and the specifications are located here: http://www.sunhydraulics.com/cmsnet/Parts.aspx?ModelCode=770-212&CatModelID=9963&Lang_ID=1
The DRV103 appears to work perfectly with a high impedance load (100kohm resistor) which is run at 12V DC PWM @ 500Hz. However, when I hook the DRV103 up to the hydraulic valve (which has a smaller impedance at the load), the output does not work (see the Oscilliscope captures below). A bad noise occurs on the output and the PWM does not function as it did with the larger load. I have verified that the same issue occurs when driving an 8ohm Resistor using the DRV103 and therefore is not caused by just the hydraulic valve.
It appears that the noise occurs when the current becomes substantial. Now the DRV103 is supposed to supply 3A of power and we are not using more than 1.5A at most with the valve or the resistor.
Things I have tried:
-running the DRV103 @ 5000Hz
-putting 22uF capacitor at supply pin to ground
Any input or help with this issue would be greatly appreciated.
Here is how I have the circuit hooked up to the DRV103H (V3 is a 12V line off of a Computer Power supply which can supply 25A on the rail it is using).
The Pres_sig_0 is a current output (0-20mA) line that goes to the R2 and R1 as a divider.
Scopes of the output (CH1, pin 5) and the duty cycle adjust (CH4, Pin 1)
Load with the Duty Cycle increased (note the noise on the duty cycle line [pin1] and the output PWM [pin 5])