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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA1612, OPA1642, RC4136

I use these amplifiers for pro audio. I also refurbish large format recording consoles. Currently, I require opamps in the DIP package. I would like to see these parts offered in a DIP package to replace the OPA2134PA. I would use several thousand for one job, IF they were made available in the DIP package. As such, I'm limited to using the National LME series, those are made in the DIP package. I really need the fet input parts in a DIP.

Marketing at TI needs to get with the program here. They are missing a large market share by not releasing these parts in a DIP package. Just hobbyists would buy enough to make it worthwhile.

Are you listening, TI?

  • I'm with Jim here. I too find that the OPA1612 and  OPA1642 are fantastic upgrade/replacements in a whole lot of professional and consumer audio gear out there equipped with comparatively outdated opamps. These sound great and outshine many of the other modern high performance audio opamps out there today. And if they were offered in a DIP package, I think a whole new and large target market would emerge for you and would be absolutely worth your investment in the tooling and fabrication. The OPA1642 in particular for me has proven to be very stable in a number of drop-in replacement situations.

    Please do consider the potentially very large market that would use these opamps if they were offered in a DIP package.


    Brad Sarno

  • Cimarron Technologies makes SOIC to DIP adapters, both for single and dual channel Op Amps. I have been using them for several years with excellent results to upgrade recording consoles and analog tape machines. They are inexpensive and relatively easy to solder the SOIC parts on the adapters. Below is the link to the Cimarron Technologies web page with details and pricing for the adapters:

    Hope this helps!

    Richard H. Shores

  • I can't seem to find an adapter to go from SOIC to 8 pin DIP for dual opamps. There are adapters to single opamps everywhere, though. Would TI have such an adapter?  If not, any suggestions?


    Chuck Calcara


  • Hey Chuck! Check this link: and download the PDF schematic. According to the schematic, the pins map one to one from SO8 to DIP8, so this should work for you in a dual DIP8/SO8. Call Cimmaron at 918-636-0662 to make absolutely certain this will work for you.

    Hope this helps!

    Richard S.

  • Cimmaron (Brown Dog) is the best solution. Their adaptors are very small, within a DIP machine socket outline so they don't stick out on the sides. They are also gold flashed with gold Millimax pins. It's best to refit a machined socket when using them as they won't sit tight in a common leaf DIP socket like AMP. Another alternative is Aries adaptors, available from Digi-Key. Those do stick out on the sides and run about 5 bucks each whereas the Brown Dog adaptors run $3 each, even less in quantity. Brown Dog also has many other adaptors, two single opamps to a dual outline, quads including a RC4136 pinout to a standard 14 pin quad opamp pinout, like a HC4741 and the rest. They even have 9 pin SIP to dual SOIC adaptors for Japanese SIP opamps. They also have a HA5002 current buffer adaptor that converts two HA5002's to a single BurrBrown buf 634 pinout, great for a headphone amp application.

    Be aware there are vias underneath the SOIC layout adaptors. If you use an opamp with a heatsink/metal paddle under the chip, bend the leads in a tad to sit the opamp slightly above the vias to avoid shorts.


    Jim Williams

    Audio Upgrades