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LM8261: LM7321 vs LM8261 Stability + Phase Margin

Part Number: LM8261
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM7321,


In the past, I have successfully used the LM7321 as a voltage follower (gain = 1) between a DAC and a heavy capacitive load (20uf).  The DAC outputs are set so they remain static and have plenty of time for the voltages to settle.   The outputs of the LM7321 supply VDD and bias voltages to an image sensor that has periodic Idd transients during operation, hence the large capacitance.

Unfortunately the LM7321 is out of stock.  How would the LM8261 compare in terms of stability and phase margin which this high of a load?  From what I'm seeing, the specs are very similar which makes me wonder why the LM8261 has lots of stock.  Can I replace the LM8261 and see similar stability/PM?  

 I'd appreciate the help!