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OPA277: Enhanced-Improved Howland Current Source, load impedance fluctuation afflicts stability output current

Part Number: OPA277
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI, , OPA551, OPA593, OPA454

Hi forum. First of all, thank you for your global active support. I have found in the past so many useful information, I would never got far enough without.

In the attempt to design a very accurate, high current source, for an automatic test system I came across an IEEE article from 2009 discussing an Howland Current Pump (HCP) with very high current output feature (source: Design of a High Precision Current Source). Following the indication of the article describing an “Enhanced-Improved HCP” basically a Howland Current Pump in the Improved version (the output resistor is split in two with a "shunt" resistor) adding 2 voltage followers, with a load resistor of about 200 ohms you actually can get a current of -71mA / +71mA. (Source/Sink).

Here an extract of the article:

The TINA-TI simulation that I attach actually demonstrates this:


Unfortunately, however, the main feature of the HCP of having a constant output current in this case is not respected and I don't understand why. A small fluctuation of the load impedance of a few tens of ohms (50 ohms) is enough to cause a sudden drop in the current of -5mA. (65mA is the output current), invalidating the first main feature of an HCP:

Now my question: is there a way to reduce the maximum current maybe to around 50mA on a mainly resistive load varying from 500 to max 1kohm ( understand that this leads maybe to a compliance voltage of around 100V) having a bipolar current generator constant on the whole resistive range or do I need to switch to other topologies?

I obviously need in the automatic test system a stable and predictable ILoad current without being so related to the varying Load impedance.

During the long period test infact the Load can vary to a 1kohm maximum. 

Thank You all for your help.

Best Regards

  • Hi Stefano,

    there are several issues:

    1. You demand too much output current from the OPA277. The short-circuit current is 35mA. Your output current should stay well below 35mA.

    2. You violate the common mode input voltage range of OPA277. The input voltage of the OPA277 must stay 2V below the positive supply voltage.

    3. You demand too much output voltage from the OPA277 and drive the outputs into saturation.

    Observe the differential input voltage of U1, between pin2 and pin3. It should be zero. If not, then the feedback loop is out of regulation.


  • Thank You for Your quick reply Kai. Ok I have corrected all the issue You pointed out, and now I have a reduced but stable current output. However after a value of the load of approx 600 Ohm, the OP-AMP goes into saturation since output range hits the upper limit. U1 and the corresponding voltage followers U2 and U3.

    Now the question. Is there a way to increase the current output? without affecting the stability?

    Best regards and thanks.

  • Hello Stephano,

    Kai makes valid points about the OPA277 output current limitations and the positive common-mode voltage (Vcm) limit. The OPA277 is not really specified for higher output current levels such as 30 mA and more, and as can be seen from the datasheet Figure 18 Vo vs. Io graph, it may not be able to deliver that high of current. It is more so intended for applications where as RL = 10 kΩ, or 2 kΩ as the various datasheet parameters are specified.

    I suggest applying an op amp that is intended for high current output operation. Two possibilities are the OPA551, or the new OPA593:

    If you need to increase the Improved Howland Current Pump's output voltage compliance range, then the OPA454 may come closest to what you need:

    Just make sure the one you decide upon meets all of the application's needs such as input common-mode voltage range, output voltage (Vo) range, etc.

     Regards, Thomas

    Precision Amplifiers Applications Engineering

  • Thank You so much. This is why I find all TI facility with forum and your educational program (all the TI Precision Lab, Design Tool& Simulation and so on) so astonishing. It helped me go a little bit further. Obviously that part of the Datasheet was under my nose but obviously unseen... it was even explained in the opamp tutorial..

    Thank Yo again. I appreciate it so much