Hi All
Design Overview:
I am designing precision, very low input signal (in micro volts), low frequency (0.5Hz to 20Hz) amplifier in In Amp configuration to drive ADC. Source Impedance is unknow and will vary. Input signal is AC coupled with 40uF (4x10uF) capacitors then biasing resistor 100K then 50/60Hz notch filters with dc resistance is 116K6 (31K6x2 + 26K7x2) (notch filter is tested circuit and had been used in many other places). then OPA376 (2 Op Amp for differential signal) feedback resistor is 22k while gain setting resistor is 1K (Gain = 22x2+1 = 45). dc resistance on inverting input is corrected by 220K series resistor to minimize DC offset. then there are (OPA211 driven from opposite signal) stage with a gain of 240 (together). I isolated OPA211 stage for troubleshooting and found that it is input (OPA376) stage causing trouble. Supply voltage =5v, mid rail = 2.5 (using OP AMP design used in many other circuits) overall gain is 45x120x2 = 10800, around 80dB.
Output is swinging (some time more than +/-2.5V which is saturation for ADC) with or without input signal applied. I captured the output signal and looked though LabVIEW application (inhouse made) to see if there is any frequency component but it looks like a 1/f noise. I also powered and repeated test with battery to avoid power supply noise but same results.
Noise seems like directly proportional to biasing resistor values, higher the value higher the noise (understandable because of thermal noise but its way out of calculation). bypassing the notch filter didn't make any difference. I even tried 1K biasing resistor (i know its ridiculous in terms of corner frequency) noise gone down to 3mVp-p. reverse calculating to see noise at input,
I have already spent a lot of time trying to get to this point and now running out of ideas. Although I have order few other Op Amps (OPA333, OP196, OPA132 and LMP2021) to replace and compare the results. but meanwhile any suggestion will be very much appreciated. or if explanation is not clear enough, please ask.
Thanks in advance.