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ALM2402F-Q1: Contradiction in the data sheet?

Part Number: ALM2402F-Q1


Datasheet Version: SBOS927B - May 2019 - Revised October 2021

In the recommended range input voltage is 0V to 7V (table 6.3), but later in the datasheet (chapter 7.3.4), we get that we can go from V(-) -0.2V to V(+)-1.2V --> 0.2V to 14.8V

Could you tell me what is the actual recommended range, and if the actual recommended range is 0V to 7V, what will happen if I go higher? Because the maximum voltage is 18V based on table 6.1:

Thanks for you help

  • Hi German,

    The limiting factor on the input common-mode of the ALM2402F-Q1 depends on the voltage supply condition. 

    The input common-mode is limited to 0.2V to +7V when VS>8.2V (from p.5, table 6.5):

    AND the input common-mode is limited to 0.2V to VS(+) - 1.2V, when the supply is less than VS<8.2V. 

    Table 6.6, page 7, shows the input common-mode condition when VS=+5V:

    Section 7.3.3 explains the ALM2402F-Q1 contains an internal Zener clamp and a series RN and RP resistors at the inputs.  The internal Zener limits the input voltage from 0 to +7V; hence the common-mode can never exceed +7V with respect to GND.  ALSO, in addition, when the supply is less than +8.2V, from the internal amplifier linear range performance perspective, the device can only remain in linear region while the +0.2V <VCM < VS+ -1.2V.

    In summary, the input common-mode range is limited to +0.2V <VCM < (V+) -1.2V when using a voltage supply less than VS<+8.2V and the input common-mode is restricted to +0.2V<VCM<7V when the voltage supply is VS>8.2V due to the internal Zener clamp.

    to answer your question, when setting up the device with a supply voltage of VS>8.2V, and exceeding the common-mode condition, VCM>7V, the internal Zener clamp will start to turn-on and conduct current, clamping the input voltage. Current will flow through the internal 10kOhm series resistors and the Zener clamp, and the circuit will be outside its linear region, providing an erroneous output since the input is clamped.

    Also, if your circuit is powered by VS<8.2V, and you exceed the input common-mode restriction, +0.2V to VS(+)-1.2V, the amplifier will not provide the specified linear performance and may be outside linear region.

    The Absolute Maximum Ratings Table 6.1on page 4. specifies the maximum stress condition the device can withstand without permanent damage, but this is not related to the device linear operation.  The ALM2402F-Q1 can withstand an input positive and negative input voltage in the range of -0.3V to +18V without permanent damage.

    Thank you and Regards,


  • Thanks a lot for your explanation.