Hello E2E forum,
Good day.
I have a 0-5 mV analog signal. Can you please recommend an amplifier to scaler this to any of the following ranges 0-125 mV, 0-5 V, and 0-500 mV (whichever is easiest and least noisy, other ranges can be considered if needed)?
Background - I have a pressure transducer (https://www.omega.co.uk/pptst/PX61C1.html) and want to use it to measure in a high vacuum application. We use National Instrument DAQs and have access to NI-9219 (https://www.ni.com/docs/en-US/bundle/ni-9219-specs/page/overview.html) however, the minimum pressure step the DAQ and sensor can read is 1.03E-02 mbar. So pressures lower than this read as zero.
I am hoping to use an amplifier on the 0-5 mV signal to match a measurement range of the available DAQ.