I'm currently using INA228 to measure current up to10mA. But I keep seeing an offset current of 0.8mA readback by INA228. The setup consists of a power supply with 32V supplied to the shunt resistor of 40mOhm.
Other than this, I found that reducing voltage of power supply to 6V, the offset current observed to be decreased to around 0.12mA. This seems like common mode voltage effect takes place, however when I checked the datasheet of INA228, it seems like at 32V of common mode voltage, input bias current contributed is only around 0.025nA. Any idea on this?
ADC Config:
TEMPCOMP: 0h (DIsabled)
ADCRANGE: 1h (40.96mV)
MODE: Bh (Continuous shunt and bus voltage)
VBUSCT: 3h (280us)
VSHCT: 3h (280us)
VTCT: 0h (50us)