Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI
I'm running a simple simulation of the BUF634A in Tina, looking at noise. To measure the current noise, I put a 1 Mohm resistor on the input, and measure the output noise.
Simulating the output noise, I get
At 10 kHz, output noise is 3 uV/rtHz, so the input noise is 3 uV / 1 megohm = 3 pA/rtHz. The datasheet says the current noise is 1 pA/rtHz, 10 dB lower. Any idea what's going on here? I tend to believe the datasheet before the model, but some measurements on my application circuit on my bench suggest the noise is higher than expected, so maybe the model is right?
I should mention that the BUF634A has a bandwidth control pin, this pin is not accessible in the Tina model. I think the model is configured for wideband mode, based on the frequency response and voltage noise measurements. But if I'm wrong, and the model is configured for low bandwidth mode, current noise should be 0.3 pA/rtHz, even lower than in wideband mode.