Other Parts Discussed in Thread: , TL084, TLV9004, TLV9054, TLV9064, TLV9002
There is a working circuit where I am using MCP6044. I happened to test TL074 in the circuit and had error. I was surprised as by specifications and being an op-amp, the output was completely unexpected.
To probe further, I made the circuit schematic in LTspice, first using generic op-amp and then TL074 sub-circuit. The generic op-amp result was very close to values obtained with mcp6044. The results of simulation with TL074.sub was more or less the same as I obtained with the part TL074 running in circuit.
I am attaching both the images. The circuit is besides. Why inv and ninv inputs are not close in value to each other in the case of TL074 ? With universal op-amp, every inv, ninv inputs are very close in value.
It appears TL074 needs some special connection. Can anybody here point out ?
Thanks in advance,