Dear Support,
I have a question regarding the INA290A2 chip. I use this chip to measure maximum 3A. My problem is I get a fairly big difference between my multimeter current measurememt and my INA current measurement.To my 39 Ohm load I give 20V, with a multimeter I get 0,51A, on my INA output I get 0,859V which corresponds to my knowledge 0,572A. Could you please give me a hand what can cause this difference between the 2 measurement?
To summarize
Rload=39Ohm; U=20V -> multimeter in series 0,51A. Same measurement on the INA with 30 mOhm shunt resistor gives 0,589V on the INA output and I am using A2 50V/V gain, gives me the factor of 1,5 to divide my INA output to get the current.
Am I right?
Thank you