Issue: XTR111 not able to source 20mA into a 500 ohm load
I have two designs
Design A utilizes the MSOP-10 package - it IS able to source 20mA into a 500 ohm load
Design B utilizes the DFN-10 package - it IS NOT able to source 20mA into a 500 ohm load.
Design B can source into a 250 ohm load.
Design B input
VIn vs current
1.2v 5 mA
2.5v 10.28 ma
3.7v 11.3 mA stalls at 11.3ma
Both circuits have 2.49K set resistors
works 250 or 500 ohm
250 ohm load - 0 to 20mA no issue
500 ohm load - stalls at 11mA
I have checked - rechecked - tried several boards - the only common denominator is the XTR package.
Vin at VSP 20 Vdc no I limit on ps
Test circuit is XTR111 circuit output into 500 ohm load into mAMP meter to ground.
input pulled to gnd and +5
Design that does not work