I carried out spice simulation of FDA THS4561 using TINA as per SLOA054 and calculations as per analysis of FDA document
The input signal was ampl 0.5 V, freq 500 K
From calc Vout+ is coming 13 V, Vout- =-3 V, Vout 16 Volt, Vp=Vn= 5/17
Af = infinite
In simulation
Vout + = 5.75 Vrms
Vout - = 5.74 Vrms
Vout = 5.66 Vrms, 15.8 Vpp
Why vout not equal to vout+ - vout-? And why the values of Vout+ and Vout- not matching with calculated values?
In ac transfer characteristic
Gain is coming 24 (21 in document) -- how this value is coming?
In transient analysis Vpp is 16 volt for output and Vpp input 1 volt, is this increase due to Rf/Rg = 16?