Hi TI Teams,
The LM6171BIMX/NOPB has been discontinued and the LM6171AIMX/NOPB is recommended as a replacement parts.
Electrical Characteristics of LM6171AIMX/NOPB is Upper Grade.
Do LM6171BIMX/NOPB and LM6171AIMX/NOPB use the same die?
If you are using it, are you screening it by Test?
Also, is the reason why Upper Grade Parts continues to be produced even though production has been discontinued this time, because this part is the basic part? If so, will LM6171BIMX/NOPB be for consumer use and LM6171AIMX/NOPB for industrial use?
Thanks and Best Regards,
Akira Ono