I will like to suggest a new quad comparator device (sorry if this isn’t the right place for this).
The LM311 comparator has been around for many years, but still seems very popular because of some unique features, like ±15V supplies allowing for high bipolar voltages to be compared on the input pins. This is very useful in all types of audio circuits, such as amplifiers and synthesizers using ±12V supplies, and in motor control circuits.
Also it is fast, and unlike other comparators has an isolated emitter brought out on pin 1. This will often be connected to ground allowing the open-collector output to be interfaced to a microcontroller interrupt input, for example using 0V/3.3V logic levels (while at the same time the comparator is supplied from much higher bipolar levels, like ±12V).
Many designs often need several comparators (e.g. a 16-voice synthesizer needs 16 comparators), but as the LM311 only comes in single packages cost and board space is increased.
I think it would be great to have a quad version in a 16-pin TSSOP package.
It would be fine for the four ‘isolated emitters’ to be joined and brought out to only one pin (as this will usually be connected to ground). And I don’t remember having encountered a design using the Balance/Strobe pins, so these could be omitted allowing for a quad comparator to fit in a 16-pin package.