Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA185, DRV8305
I want to analyze INA181 as a TMS320 ADC driver, according to SPRACT6A.
At some step I need to know the GBP of INA and output series resistance.
For A1 INA we have in datasheet only Bandwidth at 20x Gain, it is 350. Can I calculate GPB then as 350x20 = 7MHZ? Is this correct?
TI's Analog Engineer Calculator calculates required GBP to be 48MHz (at 12bit, 3.3V, 75n Acq Time, 15pF Csh) - what I am loosing if I use INA181A1 with 7MHz only? The accuracy, right?
Also I want to know the series output resistance, for that i tried making the simulation in TINA but the result looks strange (attached picture and simulation file)? Can you advice me if my simulation is ok if i want to get the output series resistance?
And can I skip series resistor to TMS320 ADC while having 300pF input capacitor? What kind of simulation I need to do to check if without resistor it would be stable? Is there any instruction for TINA?