Dear All,
I am a university PhD student interested in designing a voltage buffer with adjustable current output compliance value.
The buffer should arrogate enough current to the load until the desired value, when the current value should remain fixed (while the voltage across the device will change of course). The load, in fact, can change drastically the resistance value (from1 Megohm to 1 kohm) and the current spike potentially destroys it.
Devices as LMH6321 have capabilities in the 10-300 mA range, but I would like something in the 10 uA to 1 mA.
There are also some references design as the SBVA011 from BURR-BROWN using REG1117 to limit current and then generic an op amp. I tried with LM334 current source (instead of REG1117) and a LTC6258IS6 low power, but it is not working.
Thank for the time you will spent for this post.