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Part Number: USB2ANY

Hi TI Team,

I want to use USB2ANY as an I2C analyzer, I connected USB2ANY to my device(Not TI EV kit) to debug I2C and unable to see any communication in USB explorer software, kindly help me . 

Pinout details:

Connected cable to J4 connector on USB2ANY adapter.

SCL-cable pin9

SDA-cable pin10

GND--cable pin6



    • What do you mean by "unable to see any communication"? What are you expecting to see, and what are you seeing instead? Are there error messages? If so, what are they?
    • Have you tried probing the I2C lines with an oscilloscope to look for any signal occurring?
    • Have you tried any other steps to confirm if the USB2ANY is communicating with the host PC at all, such as GPIO toggles?

    Also, confirm that the correct pins are being used from the image below, noting the position of the key on the cable header: